Washington Electric Vehicle Charging Program Dashboard

The Washington Electric Vehicle Charging Program (WAEVCP) is a Washington Department of Commerce program that awards grants to install EV infrastructure across the state to help communities transition to electric mobility. Funded by the Washington Climate Commitment Act, its mission is to reduce transportation emissions, improve air quality and ensure equitable EV charging access.
Center for Sustainable (CSE) launched the WAEVCP Funding Dashboard to provide sponsors, stakeholders, researchers and the public with easy-to-access data illustrating the program’s effectiveness. CSE provided outreach, technical assistance, website development, and reporting services as part of its work with the Washington Department of Commerce.
The dashboard provides succinct information on the number of charging ports funded, the amount of money invested, an equity scorecard, and other statistics on the program’s performance, providing transparency and accountability. The CSE-created dashboard offers both summary and detailed metrics and includes maps depicting the program’s EV charging installation sites and equity accomplishments.