California has aggressive policy goals to convert 50 percent of existing state-owned municipal buildings into zero net energy (ZNE) buildings by 2025 and for 50 percent of existing commercial buildings to be ZNE by 2030. To help achieve these objectives, local governments are moving rapidly to upgrade their building portfolios.
In this project, CSE partnered with the California Energy Commission and City of San Diego in a multiyear effort to test, verify and demonstrate the value of integrating energy efficiency, solar power and other demand-side resources by converting three public libraries to ZNE or near-ZNE buildings. The aim was to create a replicable blueprint for local governments and substantiate the technical capacity of integrated demand-side management and renewable technologies to cost-effectively deliver ZNE in existing nonresidential municipal buildings and small commercial buildings.
Read the Final Report

Program at a Glance
Program Goals
Convert three San Diego Public Libraries (Valencia Park/Malcolm X, Serra Mesa-Kearny Mesa and Point Loma/Hervey) into ZNE buildings to demonstrate value of integrated demand-side management
CSE's Role
Prime contractor
Key Partners
California Energy Commission, City of San Diego, Mazzetti Inc., U.S. Green Building Council, SDG&E Emerging Technologies Program
State Policies Supported
California ZNE building goals; Title 24, Parts 6 & 11
Impact Statement
Potential to increase grid reliability, lower customer energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions