CSE is a key partner in administering California's Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Program designed to benefit low-income and disadvantaged communities by incentivizing solar electric power.
The largest equity investment of its kind in the nation, SOMAH's goal is to assure equal access to solar and help reduce energy bills primarily for tenants. The California Public Utilities Commission will provide up to $100 million annually for 10 years under SOMAH to fund 300 megawatts of solar by 2032.
The program's community-based approach ensures long-term, direct economic benefits for low-income households, helps catalyze the market for solar on general market multifamily housing and creates careers in the solar industry.
The program includes comprehensive technical assistance for property owners, tenant education and local hiring requirements for contractors.
"I'm most excited about continuing the solar installations across our portfolio and showing our peers in affordable housing how it's easy to do—and that it makes a difference. I definitely recommend the program to every affordable housing provider. It delivers clean energy, not just for residents, but for the whole community.” Laura Hall, CEO President of EAH Housing

Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing Program Impacts

CSE has administered more than $154 million in incentives paid or reserved for solar panels on multifamily affordable properties across California

In the last five years, the SOMAH Program is making great strides to install 300 megawatts by 2032

The equity-focused program has benefited over 35,000 tenant units, 30% in disadvantaged communities
Program at a Glance
Program Goals
Incentivize installation of 300 MW of solar generating capacity on multifamily affordable housing statewide
Provide direct financial benefits to tenants in the form of energy bill credits
Promote economic development in underserved communities through solar job training opportunities and local hiring
CSE's Role
Member, SOMAH Program Administrator team
Key Partners
• Association for Energy Affordability
• GRID Alternatives
• California Housing Partnership
• Asian Pacific Environmental Network
• California Environmental Justice Alliance
• Communities for a Better Environment
• Community Environment Council
• Environmental Health Coalition
• OC Goes Solar
• Self-Help Enterprises
• The Niles Foundation
State Policies Supported
California Assembly Bill 693, local, regional and state climate action plans
Impact Statement
SOMAH has received over 500 applications representing over 73 MWs of solar power, including 30% of projects located in disadvantaged communities. Reserved funding will provide savings for over 35,000 tenant units and provide workforce opportunities for over 750 job trainees.