Through its administration of the San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition (SDRCCC), CSE is helping train Louisianans for new careers installing and maintaining electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.
The Guaranteeing Access to Underserved and Marginalized Populations by Building Employment Opportunities (GUMBO) program is a workforce development program that focuses on underserved communities. It is sponsored by Louisiana Clean Fuels and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy under the Vehicle Technologies Program Office.
SDRCCC is one of eight participating coalitions nationwide, and is contributing to the program through community outreach, listening sessions with local groups and a regional needs assessment to support program goals.

Program at a Glance
Program Goals
GUMBO is a workforce development initiative creating resources and training to enable local educational institutions and community-based organizations to train workers to install, maintain and service electric vehicle charging equipment.
CSE's Role
Community outreach
Listening sessions
EVSE workforce needs assessment report
Key Partners
Louisiana Clean Fuels